Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Skookum Mountaineers

Bounded by our love for the outdoors, especially by our passion for mountaineering, we are Skookum Mountaineers.

We started as a group of friends who come from different backgrounds but are now united in our  continuing quest for personal adventure, social exploits, and civic ventures.

Skookum is a Chinook Jargon word that has come into general use in the Pacific Northwest.

It has a range of positive meanings. The word can mean 'good,' 'strong,'[2]'best,' 'powerful,' 'ultimate,' or 'brave.' Something can be skookum meaning 'really good' or 'right on! 'excellent!', or it can be skookum meaning 'tough' or 'durable.' A skookum burger is either a big[3] or a really tasty hamburger, or both. Homecooked food described as skookum, is delicious and hearty. A person described as skookum, has a purpose and is on solid ground, and in good health and spirits. When used in reference to another person, e.g. "he's skookum," it conveys connotations of trustworthiness, reliability and honesty as well as (possibly but not necessarily) strength and size.

 Below is our logo inspired by the renowned jumpshot of our master mountaineer Allan Calura, which incidentally is designed by his better-half, Jaimel De Leon.

Jaimel likewise designed our emblems below.

We always believe that each and everyone of us is inherently "Skookum", there is that daring side in all of us. The Skookum spirit shall therefor eternally thrive. While we all thirst for individual achievements, we prosper when we stand together.

In the end, we are hopeful, that somewhere and somehow, we shall meet you along the trails of this phenomenon that we call LIFE.

We are Skookum Mountaineers, formally signing in...

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